Princess has spring break this week. Dids...does not. Although in practice he is home schooled, in reality his "school" is a public school, so we have to loosely follow their schedule. They do not have a spring break scheduled other than Good Friday and the Monday after Easter Sunday off. Dids is NOT happy about this. Jordan is resigned to doing schoolwork every weekday, so he's not seeming too bothered. It's causing strife for Dids, who wants to sleep all day and goof off and play with his sister, or even spend the night at a friends. Poor kid. He'll be the happy one at the end of May though, when he's done with all the year's curricula and Princess has to go to school until July to make up for all these snow days we've had this year. It will all even out in the end. Mwhahahahahaha!
Please keep your fingers crossed for Jordan. I've applied for him to school through K12 and Connections Academy next year, with the hope that he will get into one or the other. Both schools have an enrollment cap of 400 that is mandated by the state. Last year both schools ended up with extensive wait lists. I got an email from Connections Academy today basically telling me not to hold my breath as there will be very few empty slots, possibly only one or two. He should have an edge with K12 as it is Payton's school already and I think siblings get first preference before a lottery. I'd rather he do Connections Academy though, I think they have it all pulled together better and have more teacher "face" time one on one. Both have the video game design classes Jordan wants to take. Both would keep him more accountable to a teacher for his grade instead of to me, which is what he needs right now to prepare for college, and the distance learning model seems to be the wave of the future. I'd be happy with either one, but probably happier with Connections Academy.
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